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Selectboard Agenda 10/21/13
Town of Princeton
Board of Selectmen
October 21, 2013   ---   6 PM
Town Hall Annex


Scheduled Meetings/Appointments
6:15 PM Tax Classification Hearing

New Business

Old Business
Town Administrator annual review status
Leominster slot parlor status
EMS Assessment Process – status
Facilities Study – designer selection process

Other Business

Public Comment

Warrants and Minutes
Review and Approve Vendor and Payroll Warrants: FY14 # 8
Approve Minutes for Oct. 7, 2013

Executive Session
None requested

DATE                    MEETING/EVENT                   TIME                            LOCATION

Nov. 4          Regular Meeting                         6:00 pm                 Annex
Nov. 18         Regular Meeting                         6:00 pm                 Annex